8 Steps to a Successful Friends and Family Referral Program

This free guide is designed for hearing clinic owners and hearing care professionals looking for inspiration about what to consider and include for a successful Friends & Family Program in hearing care. 

  • Maximize revenue 
  • Broaden and activate your existing client database
  • Increase customer lifetime
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Inside You'll Find:

This guide is an eight-step approach to help you implement a Friends & Family Referral Program for your hearing clinics. It is recommended to start the program in your hearing clinics and then broaden it out to reach your client database.

Learn about the following: 

  • How to get started with a Friends & Family Referral Program 
  • What are the benefits of such a program 
  • A step-by-step guide to a successful referral program in hearing care
  • How to engage your staff to fit the program best 
  • How to encourage your clients to take part 
  • How to elevate and refine the program 

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More About This Guide:

Implementing a Friends & Family Referral Program is a low-cost, high-reward endeavour and can be one of the best ways to drive more traffic to your hearing clinics. A good Friends & Family Referral Program can generate new clients, help increase loyalty among existing clients, and boost sales. In some hearing clinics, we have seen that more than 50% of leads stem from friends and family referrals!

The guide outlines the following to succeed with a Friends & Family Program:

1. How to provide exceptional service and products 

2. The importance of deciding how to incentivize key audiences  

3. How to create a standard referral procedure

4. How to track incoming leads 

5. How to thank and reward loyal clients

6. Why focus on your bets clients

7. How to create awareness and excitement about the program

8. How to evaluate and refine the program