Customer case
Hoyrnin uses Auditdata’s solutions to improve their full customer journey
Hoyrnin’s owner/head audiologist Jutta Helgadóttir uses Auditdata’s solutions to improve the entire customer journey. She generates leads with Auditdata’s hearing screener, converts leads with the Practice Management Software and uses powerful measurement tools to demo the hearing aids and sell the experience of being able to hear better with proper devices. Helgadóttir has found that Auditdata solutions provide transparency, ensure all data is correct in the software, track key performance indicators, and amplify marketing and communication efforts, allowing her to focus more time, energy, and attention on her customers.

Hoyrnin is the only private, independent audiology clinic on the Faroe Islands. The clinic opened in 2009 and currently has three employees. The owner’s vision is that Hoyrnin becomes the knowledge center of ears in the Faroe Islands, working with tinnitus, hearing loss, ENTs, dizziness, etc. The owner/head audiologist, Jutta Helgadóttir, sees customers both at the central clinic and in her pop-up stores, conducts offsite visits at local nursing homes, and provides portable self-screeners to businesses in the local area.
As the only private audiology clinic in the Faroe Islands, Helgadóttir and the clinic’s other audiologist see many customers and they need to be as efficient and effective as possible. The Faroe Islands have a total of 18 islands and, in addition to her main clinic, Helgadóttir has set up four pop-up clinics on other islands. She travels one day per month, visiting customers on other islands to provide remote care. Customers throughout the Faroe Islands appreciate her willingness to come to them, so they don’t have to travel two hours by boat to visit her main clinic.
Helgadóttir has been using a variety of Auditdata’s commercial and clinical solutions for the past four years to boost her business and provide exceptional customer service.
We sat down with Helgadóttir to discuss her experiences with Auditdata and find out how she’s using Auditdata’s solutions to amplify her clinic’s efforts through every step of the customer experience.
Exceptional solutions for the entire customer journey
Helgadóttir uses Auditdata’s solutions to improve the entire customer journey.
- She generates leads with Auditdata’s hearing screener,
- converts leads with the Practice Management Software and
- uses powerful measurement tools to demo the hearing aids and sell the experience of being able to hear better with proper devices.
Helgadóttir has found that Auditdata’s solutions provide transparency, ensure all data is correct in the system, track key performance indicators, and amplify marketing and communication efforts, allowing her to focus more time, energy, and attention on her customers. Though recently, she has discovered that she’s not yet using many features in the solutions, meaning she can get even more traction on her activities.

Using a portable hearing screener in the community to grow her business
Hoyrnin uses a self-screening solution in the clinic and in close collaboration with local companies who want to screen their employees’ hearing as part of their health programs. Helgadóttir has secured agreements with local companies, including the largest bank on the Faroe Islands, who use her iPad hearing screener with Auditdata Engage (also known as Listo) for two weeks at a time for employees to conduct self-screenings.
As part of these partnerships, Helgadóttir visits the companies to talk with the employees about how hearing and general health are intertwined. She explains
- why employees need to have good hearing,
- how this is related to health benefits (such as lowering stress), and
- how it can help enhance their lives (e.g., allowing them to hear conversations properly, allowing them to hear instructions at work, helping them hear better in meetings, letting them fully enjoy television and music, etc.)
The employees also have the benefit of free hearing screenings at their workplace, allowing them to assess (and treat) any hearing issues. The arrangement is a win-win for all parties involved.
How the hearing screening flows work
If the self-screening results indicate that an employee has a hearing loss, they receive an email from Hoyrnin that advises them to book an appointment for a more comprehensive hearing examination. This effort has been a highly effective way to engage with potential customers, drive traffic to the clinic, and increase sales. It also helps the employees identify hearing losses and take care of their hearing health, allowing them to get treatment or take protective actions right away.
In addition to providing employees with notifications if they have hearing loss, Helgadóttir also gathers data and provides a report for each partnering company. This helps the companies’ leadership understand what percentage of their employees have normal hearing vs. hearing loss. With that information, many of them take actions to protect the hearing of their employees.
Helgadóttir said it’s wise to promote health in the workplace. During her onsite presentations, she discusses ways that companies can take care of their employees’ health. She’s also working to eliminate any stigma around hearing loss and hearing aids.
Additionally, she advocates for companies to buy molded hearing protection for their employees who work in noisy environments. She offers customized molded hearing protection in addition to hearing aids.
How is it going?
Hoyrnin started offering the portable hearing screener to companies in August 2021, and now they have a waiting list of businesses who want to use it. As a result of these workplace screenings with Engage, Hoyrnin is getting more bookings at the clinic and boosting sales of hearing aids and hearing protection. From August to October 2021, Hoyrnin has sold 140 molded hearing protections solely to companies participating in this hearing screening program.
In the future, Hoyrin is planning to use Engage even more actively. Helgadóttir will have a drop-in clinic with a self-screening room onsite. “People will be able to come in and screen their ears. If they have a hearing loss, we can see them for a more comprehensive exam and hearing aids,” she explained. Like the self-screeners at local companies, she expects this effort to boost the number of qualified leads and increase sales.

Converting leads to paying hearing aid users using Auditdata’s audiological equipment and software
One of the other solutions Helgadóttir is using is Auditdata Measure, which is a suite of audiological equipment and software solutions, including both Primus Pro (in her clinic) and Primus Ice (when visiting customers on the small islands and at her pop-up stores). While using the audiological equipment, Helgadóttir enjoys the Primus measurement software and is a big fan of the speech mapping module.
Hearing simulation and speech mapping for fitting and counselling clients
Helgadóttir plans to use Auditdata’s Primus software solutions in her waiting area. This means that customers can go to the clinic and learn more about hearing loss and innovative solutions. She looks forward to using these solutions to simulate hearing loss and the way hearing aids can help her customers. “This will be another way that we will provide each client with an extraordinary experience,” she said.
One of her favorite features is the Auditdata SWAP calibration service, which makes it possible for her to easily receive calibrated transducers by mail. Since she is the only hearing care provider in the Faroe Islands, this means that the waiting times are non-existent, costs are lower, and her business isn’t interrupted. She doesn’t need to wait for someone to come onsite to calibrate her equipment. Instead, she can simply plug in the new transducers and be ready for her next client without any interruption or downtime. She is confident that her equipment provides accurate, objective, perfectly calibrated results. All she needs to do is package up the expired transducers and ship them back to Auditdata, hassle-free.

The Practice Management Software helps her with administrative tasks and keep in contact with the existing clients
Helgadóttir is also using Auditdata’s Practice Management Software, which is comprehensive and user-friendly. It allows her to better manage her business operations, marketing, and clinical tasks while offering complete visibility of the data she needs to make strategic business decisions. The software helps her handle administrative tasks like invoicing, reimbursement, scheduling, and product inventory, so she can focus on seeing customers.
She said this solution is a smarter way to manage all her appointments, ensuring that she books the two audiologists’ schedules in the most efficient way possible. It provides a full overview of their schedules so she can optimize their time, using a blocking system. She called this software user-friendly, intuitive, and far more efficient and accurate than her previous manual scheduling system.
The software also allows her to access data and pull accurate reports. She said it’s quick and easy to look at screening results, export data, examine potential leads, and transfer the leads into the software.
Additionally, Helgadóttir uses the Practice Management Software to improve her marketing campaigns. She uses this tool to email her clients or prospects, encouraging them to come in for appointments, informing them of her newest product options, and providing other important messaging about hearing and health. She’s able to send automatic notifications and appointment reminders at pre-determined intervals, which means she can stay in regular contact with customers without having to remember to send emails each day or rely on time-consuming manual processes.

Emphasizing the hearing/health connection
Helgadóttir is more than just an audiologist or a clinic owner who wants to help people with hearing loss. She is passionate about the hearing/health connection and said, “a lot of people don’t realize the connection between overall health and hearing health.”
“Hoyrnin is more than just a hearing aid store, it is a knowledge center. We have built up a knowledge and specialize in the field of hearing, both in terms of treatment and prevention,” she explained, adding that they have extensive experience treating a variety of hearing health issues, including tinnitus, hearing loss, dizziness, etc. She hopes to inspire more people to get hearing screenings, get hearing aids if they have a loss, and protect their hearing.
Her collaboration with Auditdata allows her to help people during every step of their hearing journey. She uses Auditdata’s various solutions to generate leads, convert leads into customers, track data, schedule smarter, conduct effective marketing campaigns, communicate with customers, and improve her workflows. She relies on Auditdata’s solutions to help her work smarter and more efficiently so she can maximize the number of customers she sees and helps.
⭐️ Blog: 4 audiology practice management hurdles and how to overcome them
⭐️ Free guide on how to convert leads into paying customers
⭐️ Practice Management Software that has everything you need in one package
⭐️ Auditdata Engage is an audiology self-screening solution
⭐️ Marketing Guide for Hearing Care Professionals
⭐️ What to expect from installing a hearing screener
⭐️ How to get started with a tablet-based hearing screener
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