Design a hearing screening experience for any situation and location

Auditdata Engage is an iPad hearing screener that can help grow your audiology business. This accurate screening tool is easy to use and portable so it can be used anywhere. It offers self-testing, which requires almost no assistance. The hearing screener is customizable, allowing you to build your test flow based on modular elements, and create the user experience that best fits your business needs, brand, and customer journey. 

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Quick walk-in hearing screening

An effective tool to drive external audiences into your clinic, and it’s also a great way to boost sales through walk-in efforts. The screener can also be a part of a health check / medical history or a way of determining whether a customer has a hearing loss before booking a hearing assessment.

High traffic locations

Hearing clinics have also succeeded using Engage in other walk-in traffic locations, pharmacies, optical shops, etc. These partnerships can potentially drive significant numbers of prospects to your hearing care professionals.

Company events

Auditdata clients have had great success using Engage at businesses, conducting hearing screenings in noisy factories, performing workplace screenings at offices, and partnering with organizations to offer their employees hearing screenings and hearing protection.

Mass screenings

Screen children at a school, or older adults at community centers, senior centers, or retirement communities. This is also an effective way to screen groups of at-risk demographics.

Customize your own hearing screening test

Welcome page

The welcome page will always come up first on the iPad before a user initiates a hearing screening test on Engage. Branding Engage with your clinic’s logo, messaging, and other information provides a connection between the test and your clinics, which is particularly important when using the screening tool with new prospects and when you are out in the community.

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  • Your logo
  • Your brand colors
  • Key messaging 
  • Your own videos 
  • Translations

Personal data form

If you are screening a new lead, you’ll need to collect contact information about the lead so you can follow up appropriately. Engage includes a page where the lead can insert personal information, such as name, e-mail, date of birth, and phone number. Engage stores the data and makes it available in the Auditdata cloud and your practice management software, Manage. If the initial screening indicates a hearing loss, you’ll be able to inform the prospect and encourage them to book an appointment at your clinic for a hearing examination.

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Collect Personal Info

  • Name
  • Date of Birth 
  • Email 
  • Phone number

Instructional videos

With Auditdata Engage, you can add short introduction videos to prepare users for a test, explain the hearing assessment results, or provide recommendations for the next steps if the test indicates a hearing loss. Videos are an effective way to explain hearing health, hearing screenings, and the benefits of hearing aids. It is also an excellent way to introduce prospects to your clinics and hearing care professionals, showcase your expertise around hearing health, and encourage prospects to visit your clinics for further information, evaluation, and solutions.

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Introduce Videos To

  • Prepare users for test 
  • Explain hearing assessment results 
  • Provide recommendations for next steps (if a test indicates a hearing loss) 

Testing protocols

All hearing test flows are easy to customize, configure, and deploy. You can define your measurement settings for hearing screenings, such as Frequencies, Threshold Determination, Stimulus Type, Fixed-Length Tone, etc. Depending on your settings, results will show the type of hearing loss, indicating whether it is mild, significant, or somewhere in between.

Learn more
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Test results

This may be the most relevant page of them all, as it’s where you provide test results to your prospects. You can add videos or text for various assessment outcomes: normal hearing, some hearing loss, and significant hearing impairment. 

For some people, this will be the first time they’re learning about their hearing loss, and they might be shocked, upset, and/or anxious about the results. They will appreciate having you explain what hearing loss means, and what can be done to help them. 

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Add Videos to

  • Explain next steps
  • Showcase your expertise
  • Introduce your talented staff
  • Explain the innovative solutions 

Follow-up e-mails

It is wise to follow up with customers and prospects after their screening. Engage automatically sends each customer’s test results to the Auditdata cloud. Engage works collaboratively with our practice management software, Auditdata Manage, providing seamless information transfer to maximize leads and simplify follow-up. Following up proactively is a smart way to generate more leads and drive more customers and prospects to your clinics for further assessments and solutions.

You can set up your practice management software to automatically send reminders to anyone whose screenings showed a hearing loss, allowing you to communicate regularly with these prospects without having to remember to manually send emails during your busy days.

Flow types

It’s worthwhile to understand test screening flows and how they may add impact and increase conversion. For instance, if you test a customer after a booking has been made, you only need to assess the customer’s hearing, whereas if you test a new prospect at an event, you will need them to insert their data. The screening test flow is customizable in our system, enabling you to easily set up these different flows to offer complete versatility. 

Do you want to design a hearing screening experience?

Learn how easy and simple Auditdata Engage is to set up and maintain, eliminating the need for expensive lead sourcing.